Hair loss

The result of a hormone disorder?

Hair loss is a common symptom and very distressing for patients. The causes are manifold. It is important to know that hair falling out usually develops three months after damage to the hair roots.

A distinction is made between circular, diffuse and androgenetic hair loss. Circular type, mostly caused by negative stress, is an autoimmune disease of the hair roots and thus not caused by a hormone disorder. However, concomitant hormonal disorders are often found in patients with circular or total hair falling out.

The diffuse type can be caused by stress, nutrition or medication. But sometimes the problem occurs due to a hormonal disorder. Most often it is then due to a disorder of the thyroid glands (over- and underfunction).

The androgenetic type occurs when women produce too many male hormones. In men, androgenetic hair loss is physiological.

Circular and diffuse hair loss are treated with hormone therapy, the androgenetic type with anti-androgenic drugs.

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Hormon- und Stoffwechselzentrum MVZ GmbH · Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Christian Wüster · Wallstraße 3–7 · 55122 Mainz · Telephone: 06131 58848-0 · Private Patient: 06131 58848-18 · Emergency Phone: 06131 58848-11 · Fax: 06131 58848-48 · E-Mail:
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